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For Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 I worked on a wide variety of systems, from the Nightmare Critters, to reworking the burnable system, to a number of one-off mechanics.

What were the broad systems I touched?

  • Burnables

  • VHS Tapes

  • Gears

  • Nightmare Critters


Having joined Chapter 4 midway through production and taking over the Nightmare Critters, my work was largely enabling Level Designers to execute their vision for different encounters with the critters...

  • Set up Data Assets so designers could easily modify Combat / Visual data without interacting with the creature blueprint

  • Simplified and modified the Creature Spawner so designers could set if creatures animated into existence, set unique spawn points, and unique points to retreat to

  • Modified existing animations to make a melee attack

  • Optimized state transitions to reduce behavior related bugs

  • Created different NavLinks that would lerp and play animations for critters making long jumps, reducing our reliance on physics and making these interactions consistent​​




In addition to mechanics that were more prolific throughout the game, like the critters, I worked on systems that were generally used for a single use, like the simple gear puzzle before entering Safe Haven, pulling open a morgue drawer, body bags attached to cable constraints, and exploding cannisters for the Doey fight at the end of the game.


Very simple little system.

  • If all the correct gears are placed, the door will open

  • Gears up to and including the last correctly placed gear will spin

  • If a gear is removed earlier in the chain, the later gears will stop spinning

  • If a gear is removed after the puzzle is completed, it send out the power off signal


Also! Very beautiful little gears I modeled in blender to very quickly get the prototype to be closely representative of the final product.

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